Belong For Me

Avoid challenges and slowdowns to compliance posed by utilizing disparate solutions and manual process

Belong For Me faced the challenge of expanding its user base and strengthening its community while ensuring compliance with industry standards. The company sought a solution to streamline its compliance efforts, having experienced the limitations of manual processes and disparate tools during a previous experience of having to implement and manage infosec compliance.

Work with Thoropass as the single source of truth for daily operations

The company was looking for a solution that seamlessly integrated compliance tasks, combining spreadsheet functionalities with a centralized repository and workflow engine to avoid the disjointed experience of years gone by. Belong For Me has a board of advisors comprising highly experienced industry leaders, ranging in disciplines from AI tools and sales strategies to governance. One of their Advisors is an industry security/governance veteran and a former power user of Thoropass and highly recommended the compliance and audit solution, knowing the needs of a growth company like Belong For Me. 

With this solid recommendation from such a trusted source, there was no question of who to select to partner with for their compliance journey. 

Achieved SOC 2 in record time to meet sales growth objectives

With Thoropass, Belong For Me completed their SOC 2 Type 1 and Type 2 audits in 3-4 weeks, respectively, becoming fully SOC 2 compliant within nine months. The implementation process was guided by their Thoropass Customer Success Manager, ensuring a smooth onboarding experience. 

The centralized repository and workflow capabilities of Thoropass significantly reduced the time and effort required for compliance, providing a more efficient and collaborative approach. The Belong For Me team estimates Thoropass helped save 30-50% of the team’s time, given the platform provides a substantial amount of the artifacts requested by the auditors to verify compliance. This effectively cut the time required to achieve their SOC 2 attestation in half.

Belong For Me’s approach to compliance has fundamentally changed

Having achieved SOC 2 compliance, Belong For Me is poised for accelerated growth. The accreditation is crucial for the company as it enables access to Fortune 2000 companies, a requirement for offering their SaaS platform to US locations.

 The Thoropass platform has become an integral part of Belong For Me’s daily operations, with plans to continually leverage Thoropass’s continuous compliance services to stay up-to-date and meet evolving regulatory standards.



Company size



United States