
Manual SOC 2 compliance hindered their up-market ambitions

Dealcloser revolutionizes the way law firms and their customers work together through the deal process by providing lawyers with a platform that significantly decreases the time spent on excessive paperwork and administrative tasks. Due to strict industry requirements and regulations, dealcloser needed to automate SOC 2 as well as understand their current security posture to move up-market.

A guided compliance approach to overcoming SOC 2 hurdles

In their search for a solution, dealcloser needed a team that could help them draft policies, move through audit quickly, and move through tough security assessments that had previously taken almost a year to complete. dealcloser used Thoropass (formerly Laika) to get started. After a gap analysis, Thoropass gave the team a step-by-step task list that guided them through the implementation of necessary policies and controls relevant to SOC 2.

dealcloser leveraged their dedicated team of compliance architects at every step of the process. From audit preparation to audit management and post-implementation, Thoropass’s compliance experts were beside the team throughout their compliance journey.

“I can’t say enough about our compliance experts. We talked to them every single week and their knowledge was so invaluable. It was helpful to have someone that I could run my ideas off of and project manage this entire undertaking.” said Mike O’Connor.

SOC 2 secured in three weeks, speeding up sales and up-market expansion

After 3 weeks in audit, dealcloser had their SOC 2 report in hand. 

Getting a SOC 2 was an important milestone for dealcloser. It came up in almost every meeting with knowledge managers and CISO’s from customers. In fact, 90% of the questions were asked and answered by having a SOC 2 report, allowing them to complete questionnaires in 24 hours. dealcloser’s compliance evolves with the company as they move upmarket. The team can smoothly complete annual SOC 2 audits and add compliance certifications to meet customer expectations.





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Edmonton, Alberta