Blog Compliance RIP Passwords In the eerie, digital world we now inhabit, the once-mighty password may be about to meet a grim fate. Its reign as the guardian of our online lives is slowly but surely coming to an end. As the shadows grow longer and the specters of cyber threats loom ever larger, it’s time to accept that passwords are dead, or “undead,” to some of the leading companies.Like a long-forgotten crypt filled with the bones of forgotten souls, our passwords have become mere echoes of security. They’ve been hacked, breached, and exhumed more times than we can count. In fact, Google is doing away with passwords in favor of passkeys. The idea is that passwords, the once-trusted guardians of our private information, have been reduced to ghostly remnants of a bygone era. Passkeys, however, can offer several advantages compared to traditional password-based authentication systems, including protection against phishing, stronger security, and users not having to remember passwords. Rising malevolent threats Much like vampires that rise from their coffins at night, hackers and cybercriminals are relentless in their pursuit of our sensitive data. In data breaches, passwords have become an open invitation to these digital vampires, who can steal, manipulate, and exploit our personal information with a few well-placed keystrokes. Who can forget the ghastly 2022 LastPass data breach that was responsible for attempting to access the passwords of LastPass users? The hackers involved are phantoms of the digital world, lurking in the shadows, always ready to strike. Additionally, passwords are like skeletons in the closet, waiting for the right moment to haunt us. We’ve all been guilty of using weak, easily guessable passwords, but 80% of hacking breaches are related to password issues. The deceased passwords of old still exist in forgotten corners of the internet, ready to come back to life and expose our vulnerabilities. In fact, 25,927,476 passwords that belong to employees at Fortune 1000 companies were available readily in dark web markets and data dumps. Yikes! These scary statistics are perhaps a warning that passwords really aren’t as safe as we think. Passwords are like the spider’s web: fragile and easily torn apart. They’ve become the gateway for deception and manipulation, allowing the tricksters of the digital world to lead us into their snares. The time has come to break free from this intricate web and seek new, more robust means of protection. Embracing the bright future The necromancers of technology have been hard at work, conjuring up alternative methods to protect our digital souls. Two-factor authentication, biometrics, and advanced encryption are the witches’ brews that are slowly replacing traditional passwords. These dark arts offer stronger defenses against the forces that seek to breach our digital sanctuaries.You may also want to think of protecting your business with compliance, a guardian angel ready to defeat those dark web foes. This post was written with help from ChatGPT, but all original thoughts and advice are those of the author. This post has also been peer-reviewed by in-house experts with the knowledge, skills, and expertise to corroborate its accuracy. Explore more content Learn how to use SOC 2 to protect your business and accelerate growth How do you use your SOC 2 report to protect your company, accelerate deals and open new markets? Read this guide to find out. Amanda Levine See all Posts Get the Guide icon-arrow Amanda Levine See all Posts Share this post with your network: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn