Blog Compliance News and Events Scam Hunters Episode No. 2: FaceTime In this intriguing episode of Scam Hunters, investigative journalist Heidi embarks on a journey to uncover a bizarre credit card fraud scheme targeting a Miami retirement community. When Heidi’s elderly friend Cecilia, a 91-year-old free spirit with a taste for Coachella and cowboy boots, passes away, Heidi discovers a strange pattern of charges on Cecilia’s credit card statement—over 20 gift card purchases in the last days of her life. Her suspicions grow after learning that a mysterious thrift shop and hospice company were involved in taking possession of Cecilia’s belongings after her passing. Heidi suspects there’s more at play than just a carefree senior maxing out her credit cards before death. But what’s really happening at this retirement community? Who’s behind the mysterious charges? And what’s the role of the Thrift Shop? Just as Heidi’s puzzle begins to unravel, the plot thickens when she decides to dig deeper, visiting another friend from the community, Gladys. And that’s where things get even stranger… Listen to the full episode of Scam Hunters to find out how Heidi pieces together this complex web of deceit—and whether she catches the scammer red-handed! About the Podcast Thoropass is proud to present Scam Hunters, a podcast about a disgraced CISO (Greg Kinnear) who gets a call from a Miami journalist (Erin Moriarty) who needs help investigating a series of scams targeting terminally ill patients. He begrudgingly accepts… But in a world of swindling and deceit, where nothing is what it seems, their findings are just the tip of the iceberg. Scam Hunters Never miss and episode A disgraced CISO (Greg Kinnear) gets a call from a Miami journalist (Erin Moriarty) who needs help investigating a series of scams targeting terminally ill patients. Amanda Levine See all Posts Listen now icon-arrow Amanda Levine See all Posts Share this post with your network: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn